The importance of embracing new and emerging technologies for success in journalism and marketing

Why is it important to embrace new technology

In the modern era, technology has become a way of life. The emergence of new and advanced technologies has made it easier for people and organizations to take on and accomplish different tasks and operations. Technology has revolutionized, transformed and impacted different industries and sectors, including journalism and marketing.

In this article, we will discuss the importance of embracing technology in the fields of journalism and marketing. We will also explore how journalists and marketing professionals can use emerging technologies to communicate, share stories, consume content, analyze data and create content. 

What are journalism and marketing?

In this era, information is power. One of the most effective ways of receiving and disseminating information is through journalism and marketing. Journalism is characterized by its ability to exhaustively cover a given topic and uncover the truth without any bias. It strives to provide a target audience with different perspectives on a given issue. Journalists often do this by providing accurate, reliable and complete information.

Journalism is an evidence-based practice that seeks to provide the world with honesty and truth in important societal matters. Therefore, journalists use observation, interviews, research and questionnaires to collect information. This is an effective way of ensuring that their sources are reliable and factual. Notably, journalists need to be honest, transparent, democratic and accountable. Any false information or accusation can lead to a series of legal implications.

On the other hand, marketing is the practice of promoting products and services with the aim of generating revenue through increasing sales. Marketers employ different strategies to grasp the attention of their target audience, such as having an online presence, advertising, collaborating with influencers, and price reductions of their products and services. Marketing is critical in any sector or industry.

Technology has provided marketers with important digital elements such as social media marketing and search engine optimization (SEO). These elements not only enable marketers to reach and engage with their target audience, but also promote effective decision-making. Furthermore, technological advancements have made it easier for marketers to effortlessly meet and satisfy the specific demands of their clients. Also, technology has enabled marketers to tailor and personalize their advertising campaigns and content based on the needs and interests of their target audience.

The primary objective of journalism is to inform, educate and create awareness. The essence of marketing is to make the public aware of the advantages of using a certain product or service. Therefore, it is necessary for journalists to embrace technology as it makes it easy to create and disseminate information. Therefore, if you want to improve your journalism skills, you can enroll in a Master’s in Journalism online program at a school such as St. Bonaventure University. This course will teach and equip you with all the fundamentals of journalism and the practicalities needed to succeed in this profession.

 Artificial intelligence in journalism

Artificial intelligence (AI) is certainly at the forefront of technological advancement and has made significant changes in the journalism industry. For starters, automated content generation is streamlining the news production process. It is powered by natural language processing algorithms to ensure that viewers get real-time news in simple and easy-to-digest language.

Equally, AI-driven tools analyze huge amounts of data in an instant. Therefore, journalists get to uncover insights, emerging narratives and trends efficiently. This helps enhance productivity, thus ensuring that journalists can focus on what matters most: giving a human touch to the stories.

As AI continues to evolve, the role of journalists transforms from mere content creation to an interpretation of information. Journalists must uphold their values to strike a balance between technology and storytelling. In this landscape, it is paramount to harness the potential of AI while upholding the trust and integrity that underpin quality journalism.

 Why new and emerging technologies are essential to journalists and marketers

In today’s rapidly changing world, technology is essential, especially to journalists and marketers. These professionals use technology to gather, analyze and disseminate information to target audiences. Technological advancements have brought significant changes to the way that information is created and consumed.

Below are several reasons why emerging technologies are essential in the fields of journalism and marketing.


Communication is a key element in journalism and marketing. Journalists and marketers are always in contact with their target audience, directly or indirectly. For journalists, communication is fundamental as it is a channel that they use to collect and share information. Both journalism and marketing heavily rely on communication to collect and disseminate information.

In most cases, journalists use newspapers, radio, TV and the internet to collect information and communicate with their target audience. This is aided by technological advancements. Journalists tend to find and use different technologies and platforms to convey important information to the audience.

Marketing is heavily dependent on communication as a way of introducing and selling products and services to different customers. In marketing, communication is an essential skill as it allows the seller to understand the needs of the customer. Furthermore, communication fosters a healthy and profitable relationship between marketers and customers.

Fundamentally, technological advancements have made communication fast, easy and reliable between different parties regardless of their geographical location. As a result, journalists can communicate vital information in real time, and marketers can generate sales and interact with prospects and important shareholders in the company with ease. In journalism and marketing, communication is an efficient way of ensuring that all parties are on the same page.


Usually, storytelling is at the heart of journalism and marketing. Journalism is not just about informing and educating readers – it is also about stirring up their emotions and satisfying their interests. This is easily attainable when you introduce technology in journalism and marketing.

With technological advancements, journalists can tailor their narratives to suit the needs of their listeners and readers while showcasing their storytelling abilities. Storytelling also allows journalists to make dull stories interesting by harmonizing and humanizing complex societal issues and making them accessible and relatable to the target audience.

Furthermore, with new technological devices and platforms, journalists and marketers can reach and interact with audiences from different cultures. For instance, a journalist who does not speak Spanish can write an engaging and interactive article in Spanish. All they need to do is write it in English and then use Google’s AI-powered translation software to rewrite the article in Spanish. Such technological advancements have made it easy for journalists to communicate and share insightful information with a wide audience.

Moreover, journalists can use technology to make their stories intriguing, captivating, impactful and relatable. For example, if a journalist wants to create a sense of urgency and shed light on the negative effects of having a carbon footprint, they can add images, videos or sound effects to their stories to make them realistic and display a sense of urgency on the matter under discussion.

For marketing, storytelling is fundamental as it makes the brand stand out. It is fairly easy for prospects to show interest and interact with your products if the marketing strategies resonate with their beliefs. Just like journalism, a marketer can add videos and images to product descriptions and stories to give customers a chance to engage and interact with a particular product.

With the aid of storytelling, companies and clients can have both a transactional and an emotional connection. This means that it is easy for a company to impact and inspire their customers based on a story they put behind their products.

By creating real-life experiences and stories with each product, companies can create a loyal customer base that trusts in their products and services. Technology has created a platform where companies and customers can interact and form a relationship that is beyond transactions. Furthermore, with technology, customers can easily order products and services that are tailored to their specific needs.

Content consumption 

Content consumption is the amount of information, media and data accessed, retrieved or used by an individual. Therefore, in journalism and marketing, content consumption explains how a target audience accesses, reads and interacts with all the information you disseminate as an individual or a company.

With technological advances, individuals and organizations can access and consume all types of content from different online platforms. Commonly, journalists and marketers conduct extensive research on a given topic before displaying their findings to their target audience. With the aid of new technologies, journalists and marketers can gain the attention of their target audience with ease.

In essence, journalism seeks to provide the target audience with factual, truthful, accurate and unbiased insights on important topics. Target audiences consume a lot of information and content from journalists. Recently, there has been a rapid growth in online content consumption because of technological advancements.

Content consumption plays a critical role in a journalist’s ability to create content that grasps the attention of the readers. The more content journalists consume, the better it is for them to create insightful content that resonates with the needs of the target audience.

In the realm of marketing, content is key in not only creating brand awareness but also attracting, engaging and retaining customers. Marketers frequently use both analog and digital content available on shelves and in digital spaces to learn and understand the needs of their clients. Furthermore, content consumption by clients is an effective way of driving profitable interactions with customers.

In this era, digital marketing is used to describe and promote products and services using graphical content such as texts, videos and images. In journalism and marketing, content consumption is vital to both the customer and the creator. Customers consume content to get a better understanding of what different companies are offering in terms of products and services. On the other hand, companies consume content to get an understanding of how the market works, to identify market gaps, and to understand the needs and demands of their customers.

Data analysis

In the era of technology, it is easy for individuals and organizations to access and use information. Normally, journalists and marketers use data and statistical analysis tools to examine and learn the meaningful trends in a data set. Data analysis involves analytically and systematically using statistical and logical tools and techniques to evaluate, describe, illustrate and visualize data.

In marketing, data analysis plays a fundamental role in analyzing marketing-related information and activities. The information gained from a market analysis report can be used to create and drive customer-related actions such as improving customer service, releasing more products to the market, holding marketing and brand awareness campaigns, and optimizing the company’s return on investment. By applying different technologies, marketers can easily understand their marketing abilities.

In journalism, or a data-driven journalism (DDJ) practice, it is necessary to sieve through large amounts of information. This process requires different technologies that will ensure that the collected information is sensible, insightful and relatable to the target audience. The purpose of data analysis in journalism is to enhance the quality of information and stories disseminated by a journalist. With technology, journalists are able to release quality information in a timely manner.

Data analysis is increasingly becoming critical in journalism and marketing. By leveraging information, journalists and marketers can gain important insights into market trends, customer needs, and competitors’ behavior and activities. With this information, organizations and individuals can make decisions that will positively impact the company’s overall performance and growth.

Efficiency and Innovation

AI acts as a force multiplier in journalism, particularly in the labor-intensive sections of information gathering and processing. Thanks to AI-driven algorithms, journalists can quickly sift through vast datasets and distill the relevant information. Doing this unburdens journalists from mundane tasks, thus ensuring that they are able to focus on investigative reporting and in-depth analysis.

Similarly, AI automates several processes, including data analysis. Doing this provides marketers with actionable insights that they can use to better understand consumer behavior. Therefore, they can create highly targeted content that will get the attention of their audience and pass on their message.

Thanks to these streamlined workflows, marketers and journalists can allocate more time to creative pursuits. In journalism, this means more time to craft thoughtful narratives and explore unconventional storytelling formats. Technology turns into a facilitator that empowers journalists to achieve their true potential and experiment with immersive storytelling experiences, interactive content and multimedia elements.

Marketers get to redefine their campaign strategies thanks to the efficiency gained through technologies such as automation and data analytics. Their focus quickly shifts from routine tasks to the creation of better content-selling ideas. This enables them to develop compelling and original marketing initiatives that can help achieve their targets.

Due to the efficiency gained from advanced technologies in journalism, innovation follows automatically. Marketers and journalists are no longer confined by traditional practices, which encourages them to explore novel approaches. Doing this allows for continuous development and adaptation to match the ever-changing needs of the audiences.

Finally, innovations touch audience engagement strategies. Technologies such as augmented reality in marketing offer new avenues for immersive experiences. Journalists, on the other hand, leverage virtual reality to transport their audiences into the center of the story. These innovations redefine storytelling while deepening the connection between consumers and creators.


Ultimately, technology has become a critical factor in journalism and marketing. Through its evolutions, both journalists and marketers can easily access information, conduct research on specific topics and fields, and create insightful, comprehensive and interactive content for their target audiences. Furthermore, technology has enabled marketers to delve into customer demands through customer engagement practices. This is an effective and efficient way of understanding customer demands and developing strategies to meet and satisfy these demands.

Moreover, technology has facilitated the free flow of crucial information between organizations and clients. Constant engagement with customers creates an environment where both the supplier and consumer can air their insights and concerns with ease. Notably, technology has created a learning platform for companies intending to further their customer relations abilities. Also, journalists can easily interact with and share unbiased and truthful information, and readers can access this content at any time regardless of their location.

As technology constantly evolves, it is necessary for the journalism and marketing professions to push their boundaries and continue to learn and grow. The ability to use new and old technologies will make it easy for journalists and marketers to create content that is insightful, engaging and customer-friendly.

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