In the nineteen-seventies, the first users of the bright new gadget, the mobile phone, were quite pleased. They could now make calls from anywhere (provided they had a decent signal, meaning they were only ever suitable for an urban setting). They weren’t too troubled about the size of the battery, nor were they bothered about how long it took to charge the phone (or that it didn’t last very long when you had charged it). Just the fact that it allowed them to call someone form the car or the street was reasonably sufficient. If you’d said to them that in 50 years, the thing they held in their hand would drastically reduce in size yet increase in its abilities one hundredfold, they would have laughed at you.
The point is that we dont know what the mobile phone will be capable of in the future. Just think about how much your phone has changed since the nineteen-nineties. The technology is expanding at such a rapid rate it’s virtually impossible to keep up. It’s a good job that do stay ahead of the mobile phone market. They can find you a Vodafone Store Ireland based retailer if ever you need one.
The one thing that we can be sure of with phones is that whatever it is doing now, just imagine it bigger, better and way more powerful than anything you’ve seen before. If you think this is pretty special, wait till you see what the developers have in store!