The year 2016 was bad in many ways, and of course, cybersecurity was one of them. Botnet attacks as Mirai made us realize if we had not already done so the danger posed by these small connected to the Internet of things devices, but also to protect those devices should pay attention to the routers that connect Internet.
That is the goal of Norton Core, a router with a spectacular design that stands out in that section and in its conception: monitors all traffic from connected devices while blocking them and putting them in quarantine if it detects that something is wrong with these dispositives.

Nice on the outside, safe inside
This singular is something like the hardware version of the antivirus that we use in the PC: since we can not easily install something like a router, Symantec wanted to offer that option to the Norton Core, a WiFi router that also takes advantage of learning automatic (deep learning) and Symantec response systems to respond to cyber threats in our devices.
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The router can also be controlled from your smartphone with an application that displays the status of the network connection and potential threats or blocked devices coexisting in it. The analysis of the security of our network and devices is constant, and in that application precisely we are offered a “security score” with which we will have a quick reference to find out whether or not there are problems.
Parental controls add to that range of options, and within it we find a dual-core processor at 1.7 GHz that is responsible for detecting and analyzing network traffic and potential threats, but in the router we can also control which devices have access to more bandwidth if for example we play a game online with Xbox and we need to optimize that connection.
The Norton Core is available in pre-booked for $199, and will cost $279 when it finally goes on sale. That price includes an annual subscription to Norton Core Security Plus and we can connect up to 20 computers, phones and tablets, and an unlimited number of IoT devices.