It is abundantly clear to those working in public relations that the PR landscape has undergone some seismic changes and is virtually unrecognisable for those who have worked in it for many years. Even to those with limited knowledge and understanding of the PR machine, the fact that our traditional news outlets have changed fundamentally wouldn’t have gone unnoticed. The traditional print media is under real threat since the explosion of social media channels. People’s TV viewing habits have also changed as they have become used to more choices from more platforms. All of this has a major impact on PR firms and how they have adapted – and how they will continue to do so going forward. The online world is at the heart of success for most businesses now and companies like this brand strategy agency are in high demand to help businesses get themselves out there.
A bygone era
Whether you were part of the Chiswick or Cheltenham PR scene of yesteryear, you’ll know that the whole concept of gathering and releasing news has completely changed over the last decade. Those liquid lunches with journalists and the bog-standard press release have been all but replaced. In order for news channels and PR professionals to move forward, certain shifts will need to be made.
Tell a story
People love hearing about or reading a good story, and there are many people who enjoy telling them. Those working in PR will need to make the shift from facts and figures to a more holistic full story approach.
A balancing act
PR is no longer an isolated business function, and this is likely to become of more importance in the future. Good PR sits at the heart of a business and is all about outcomes. It’s about a mix of commercial value and traditional creativity to bring about an ROI that will incorporate conversion, reach and frequency.
A bright future
The fluffy Absolutely Fabulous approach to PR has well and truly left the building, and it is being fast replaced by focused, authentic and engaging content marketing.
Looking for a PR company? Our advice is to do your research and make sure that you choose a company that is not only innovative and able to adapt to the new rules but is also at the top of its game when it comes to brand reputation and true customer engagement.