Xbox One S, the best design, appetizer big change in video game consoles


TheXbox One Sis already among us for afew weeks.It was one of the most important announcements that Microsoftmade at E3 2016and one thatwas expected to although comingsooner or later.

We have had the opportunity totest itin depthand we bring youa complete analysisof this model smaller than the original Xbox One.In it, we will do a review of theirunique characteristicsand differences with respect to thefirst model of Xbox One.

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Minimalist and wonderful at first glance

As Microsoft hasalready warned, the Xbox One S is40% smaller in volume than the original, but if we put one above the other may not seem so, but looking at a global set on all sides does give us that impression.

The thing to keep in mind above all is that in this very small sizeis within the power supply.We can finally say goodbye to that big contraption we had in previous consoles Microsoft and we also dealing with a huge cable much room on the ground or in the cabinet.

Now being located inside the machine willsave much more spacein our room and therefore only needtwo cables: one toconnect the consoleto the current and another will be theHDMI cable, nothing more.However, we better have a plug nearby, because the length of the first is a bit small and would not be surprising that some have to use an extension cord.

Another difference we have found isthe absence in the back of one output for connecting Kinectand have now turn to one of the USB ports.Although Microsoft already warned thatprovide an adapterto connect to the console, these details -and the absence of games- make us think that gradually forgetting the device and prefers tofocus on new technologies.

Moreover, one of the details that most characterize the Xbox One S is included among its elementsa support that allows us toplace itvertically.Something ideal, because apart from being smaller in that position we occupy even less.In addition, even if the power supply inside, interestinglynot ashot as the Xbox One.

Something that has delighted us and we greatly appreciate is that now the Xbox One Shas buttons, one to synchronize other devices and, most important, to turn on or turn off the console.In this way we will no longer have the problem that happens tous as in the original Xbox One, that being touchcould turn onor off the console without wantingto take her hand or go ahead.

The commandis perhaps what keeps fewer differences compared to the original Xbox One.The redesign has been affecting therear triggers, that when touched gives agreater sense of grip and sensitivity.In part we arepleased that more aspects have not changed because the control of the Original Xbox One is the best available in the market today and certainly play with the Xbox One S is all a joy.

A console or your computerwill connect via Bluetooth, but unfortunately have to continue paying for the batteries or purchase an external battery to work.In that regard Sony takes a point because the DualShock 4,and is incorporated into a battery.Therefore, if you are of those who do not like anything you have to buy batteries constantlyyou have to make youwithCharge Kit and PlayXbox One.

4K and other features that make it perfect

The design no doubt that we’ve loved and that have agood distribution of fans, located at the top and sides, as in the original Xbox One, causespractically we have not noticed the noise It madeat any time during the games we played.Quite the opposite of what happens with its direct rival, PlayStation 4, which looks set to fly out how much it sounds.

The waiting time until lights is minimal.Only the first time it runs it will take longer as we recognize, updated, etc., but from therein just afew seconds we already enjoying our console, not on the original Xbox One that gives us time to go to the bathroom, make us a coffee and still has not been fully launched.

Otherwise, menus and other options, everything remains exactly thesame. However, another feature that makes itso special to the Xbox One S is that it supports 4K, which today cannot find on any other console that is for sale on the market.

Anyway, keep in mind that the console is not ready so we can play 4K.Only applies toany video content, either Blu-Ray compatible to have a Blu-ray reader UHD, or streaming services like Netflix.It also hassupport HDR, which in this case, it will be compatible with video games, but only if wehave aTV and a source permitted.Otherwise you can forget you all these developments.

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In the games we play, which is primarily the purpose of the console, the tests we have done we must recognize that actuallylook better thanks to HDR.It is true that the differences are not as noticeable, although not in all cases.For example, ‘Killer Instinct’ or ‘Quantum Break’ are almost identical.However, in ‘Rise of the Tomb Raider’ yesobvious change it provided.

Thanks to 4K image is rescaled, but what exactly does the HDR is granting a greater variety of colorseverything that appears on thescreen,giving more life or even more realism.Thus, looking at thesky in the title of Lara Croft and compare screens Xbox Xbox One and One S, wesee that the image of the second winning street, although not native and have been rescaled.

Finally, we will have less problems now to store our games or information from them, since the Xbox One Shas a 2 TB hard drive, twice or four times the original Xbox One.Also announced wereother models with a hard drive of 500 GB or 1 TB, but atthe moment are not for sale.

Should to bought it?

After everything we have talked about this will undoubtedly bethe question that you will bearound all over the head and the truth depends on the situation of each.Over all it offers and excellent catalog of games behind them, it isa good price and very competitivefor a console.

DIMENSIONS 40% smaller (295 x 230 x 63 mm) 333 x 274 x 79 mm
WEIGHT 2.9 kg 3.2 kg
OUTPUT VIDEO RESOLUTION 720p, 1080p, 4K (HDR) 720p, 1080p
CPU Octo-core CPU (not specified) Jaguar APU AMD octo-core 1.75 GHz at 28 nm
GPU Not specified AMD Radeon GCN, 853 MHz, 1.23 TFLOPS
RAM Not specified 8 GB DDR3
INTERNAL STORAGE 500 GB / 1 TB / 2 TB 500 GB / 1 TB
OPTICAL UNIT 4K Blu-ray, DVD Blu-ray, DVD
WIFI Dual band, 802.11 a / b / g / n Dual band, 802.11 a / b / g / n
ETHERNET CONNECTIVITY Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet
PORTS HDMI 2.0a, S / PDIF, USB 3.0, IR port HDMI 1.4, S / PDIF, USB 3.0 port Kinect, 3 x USB 3.0
POWER SUPPLY Internal External
CONTROL GAME Wireless, redesigned and Bluetooth support One Xbox wireless controller

If youalready have, an Xbox One isnot worth you tomake the change because when playing video games, which is really important, is not as significant difference as to make it a compulsory purchase.Especially if we consider that Microsoft has reiterated thatusers of both consoles willenjoy the same, experienceand until it reaches theso-called Xbox One Scorpiowill not see the true technological leap.

If your design, size or internal characteristics you call enough attention to recantations for it, then you are taking time to go to a store to requesta change of one by another.Still, do not forget that if you do not have a TV that has the previously mentioned options do not willenjoy it in full.

The good newsis that alldevices and televises on Xbox One’s able touse the Xbox One S, removing the connector detail Kinect.Therefore, in that sense you have to not be afraid to make the leap from one to another.Nor should we forget that right now is only available the Xbox One white 2TB S, so if you areinterested inhaving it for less money at theexpense of a lower capacity, will have to wait an indefinite still time.

In either case, especially if you have not you ever done with an Xbox One, Xbox One Swill not disappoint and will be a purchase that will beworthit.

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