Google wants to teach programming to the kids with their Project Bloks and Zero Raspberry Pi

Project Bloks

Many are those who are trying to promote learning robotics and programming among children. We have seen a number of initiatives in this direction, but now it appears one of a company that has sufficient resources to try the way especially serious: Google.

Your Project Bloks programming leads to a more physical level, because the lines of code are transformed into blocks that allow us to build programs literally. The idea allows small understand more directly what those programs and experiment with a format that reminds a little LEGO and lifelong Mecano.

Project Bloks
Image Source: Google Image

Physical blocks, no screen and keyboard

That constructive facet in which we see a screen but a block is what differentiates Project Bloks other market alternatives. The system consists of three parts: the “Go” button is connected to a Raspberry Pi Zero, the small plate that serves as managing and controlling the operation of the rest of the circuit.

From there we will have a series of blocks that are connected to a master block, called Brain Board. Finally there are the so – called “Pucks” which are the individual elements of the code. Switches that can be applied are those that make the code vary their behavior.

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With these pucks we can make the “robot” for example are trying to build turn, or that the volume of a musical note is increased by associating the puck with a rotary control. In Google, they are already prepared an open API for any toy or device can be controlled with this system.

Google’s initiative -in which collaborated Stanford University and the design firm ideological is fully Open Source, and hopes that developers and industry the advantage to develop new toys and educational content for children.

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