Pushing where Google failed: We tried the Epson Moverio BT-300

Epson Moverio BT-300

In February of 2012 were the BT-100, in January 2014 were the BT-200, and Epson have followed the pattern of two years and have taken advantage of the Mobile World Congress to launch augmented reality glasses Moverio BT-300. They are smaller and lighter than their predecessors, while also improving your specifications.

Epson Moverio BT-300
Image Source: Google Image

This new model of glasses is, in fact, 72% lighter than the original model. And in the case of glasses that are still large compared to a traditional glasses, it is what is most appreciated. When launched in October this year, the BT-300 Moverio cost around $1000.

The camera of the bt-300 moverio becomes five megapixels

Let us review the specifications: BT-300 equipped with an Intel Atom processor quad -core Android 5.1 and enhance the ability to display content in three dimensions. A 5-megapixel camera detects the environment around us and takes pictures and videos.

Improved comfort, but still outstanding duties

Our partner Yubal makes model and shows that the BT-300 are considerably smaller than their predecessors.

Epson has no qualms about telling us that these glasses are not focused on the consumer market, however much you can simulate a screen with them to watch movies or series. Its idea has gone to specialized applications such as piloting drones, or special content viewing in museums and theaters.

An example: soon, those attending the opera in San Sebastin can use the BT-300 Moverio to see the score of this opera live while singing, floating just below the actors.

The quality has improved: you can see very definite content without strange sensations or dizziness

In addition, yes, the glasses are already small enough so that they can take over an entire function, although it is clear that there is still much engineering effort to make them more comfortable. They need special support for those who wear glasses, and its weight is still very noticeable when wearing them. It is an improvement, but there is still effort miniaturization done.

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What has improved (and pretty) is the definition: compared to the tests I did with the BT-200 a couple of years ago, these glasses show the display augmented reality much more clearly and can read text size very small without any dizziness or feeling strange. The effect of watching a large screen that changes depending on what is in our visual field is retained, and as the background is further away like you’re watching a bigger screen.

Marc-Antonie Godfroid, a spokesman for Epson, argues that the BT-300 Epson Moverio show potential with all industrial and professional applications is already having unlike Google Glass, glasses that “have a very different approach,” despite that many consider them similar to Moverio.

The representative also emphasized to us that they want will stop seeing Epson as a manufacturer of printers: they will further develop and improve the Moverio range “as use cases are extended, although people do not carry or much less glasses and in their daily lives.”

It seems that Epson has found its niche with these glasses, but for now remains for professional activities and for some periods of use of a few hours. Promising, but long way and work ahead.

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