Google Home: Google simple speaker promises to be home control center

Google Home

At Amazon you may find it has lasted little joy with the Echo when Google just announced its new device: Google Home. After presenting its proposed voice assistant, Google Assistant, the technology giant presents this simple speaker promises to be a multimedia center for the entire house.

But it goes beyond that. What Google seeks to Google Home is that we have a control center at home and for the whole family, with which we can synchronize both our smartphones and smart devices we have. Of all spoke Mario Queiroz, VP and Product Manager, explains how this device will play our music and will help us to control our gadgets, and with which we can “talk”.

Google Home
Image Source: Google Image

The ubiquitous assistant

Remember the movie Her? It represents an “ideal” interaction (i.e. no errors or bugs) with a machine, more specifically with an operating system. Something like that is what they want us to show the video presentation of this device, in which a family interacted with this speaker using synchronization offering and that looks like the star of the day, Google Assistant.

It is a device of a very simple design, including cylindrical with hemispherical base, which we have seen so far in a single color (white and gray), but we will see more combinations (and leave some on the website of the product). Apparently the top will have some LEDs that indicate both that the device responds as their activity in general.

A multi-device system but not portable

We do not know the power of audio and scope of the microphone, something to consider since it is a device that is not wireless, but it must always be connected to a power source (such as CC). According to Queiroz power it is sufficient to ensure good hearing throughout the room, with a good compensation serious.

In fact, the idea is that there may be several speakers in the house and is a multi-device system, synchronized with Chromecast as we mentioned. Yes, although support both apps from Google and other third parties (like Spotify), we can only synchronize a Google account the moment. According have commented, the multi-accounting support will be something that will come later.

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What we ask Google Home?

At the moment it interact with both bots and devices will still between quotation marks. But the truth is that knowing Google and its tentacles, and after seeing what promises to fulfill its new assistant, interaction with Google Home appears to be fairly complete level functions that provide these assistants moment.

What we have seen are the typical questions finder (i.e. any data that tells us specifically, address, etc.) as well as commands to view videos on other devices or start playing music. What also announced (without releasing much clothing) is that you can work with more devices such as light bulbs or smart thermostats.

It is all at home

As for compatibility with third parties, the company prefers for now not have the API to third parties (both the wizard as the device). However, Queiroz has shown confident and not see it as a problem, but says that will focus on improving its product and interaction.

Thus, as pointed the VP, the device will be available later this year, without indicating an approximate price or countries. This also depends on what languages and regions Google Assistant, the main tool of this vitamin speaker is available.

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