Google may be preparing glasses that unite virtual and augmented reality


Last week we told you that some media were pointing to that Google could have canceled the project to create a virtual reality goggles to enter and compete with the Oculus Rift. However, this weekend internal company sources have told that the project goes ahead.

These sources suggest that in recent months Google has been actively assigning individuals to a project to create high – end glasses. This device is already being developed not require a computer or a phone to be used, and mingle virtual reality and augmented.

Image Source: Google Image

More like a HoloLens that the Oculus

Google is determined to bet on virtual reality. In the past Google I / O May presented their Project Daydream, although the sources say the company has told its employees that is not a project that defines its long – term plans, but a first step in developing devices much more ambitious.

And that’s where you could enter this new device, which we know will not require to be connected to others in order to function, which will have its own screen that would include several elements of augmented reality, closer to concepts such as the HoloLens of Microsoft that other devices like Oculus Rift more focused on the games.

You may also like to read another article on DuckysDesktop: Forget the virtual reality glasses of Google, the project has been canceled according Recode

It is possible, therefore, that the device canceled the last week and reported that other complex system of mixed reality are two different projects. On the latter she said in February that it would be autonomous, which would have its own command, a powerful processor and cameras to move to the real space of the room. A description quite similar to that given this weekend by anonymous sources.

Google so far has not made any statement regarding these alleged leaks, but if true would be facing an interesting device capable of uniting the virtual reality augmented, an even more appealing concept after this second has won a huge role in the recent weeks thanks to Pokmon Go .

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