It is beginning to wage a new battle in the field of virtual reality, which is focused on the devices capable of capturing video in 360 degrees to make it compatible with the variety of virtual reality glasses, or through web players that allow us to interact with the content, as the case of Facebook and YouTube. Hence, the importance that users can create their own content arises as it aims to become the next trend.

Companies such as Canon, Nikon, Samsung and even Nokia have shown their cameras capable of capturing video in 360 degrees, but here depend heavily on the sector to which they are addressed, because the device Nokia may be the best of all, but at a price which is around $60,000, and what is sought is the massification, devices that are available to everyone and this is where you want to go GoPro, who has taken things too calm.
All the expectation of GoPro
Almost a year ago, GoPro ahead that had two major projects on the table, one was the release of its drone, and the other was a system that would allow recording video in 360 degrees, in the case of the latter, only it showed the first cube –shaped prototype, which not much was known, saw only GoPro cameras inside it.
In February this year, GoPro finely showed its prototype in operation, plus they also knew his name: Omni, which come as an option to the public after it is already a career option, that in the case of Odyssey, device created in partnership with Google and is priced at $ 15,000.
Omni will finally be announced officially next week as part of the NAB 2016 in Las Vegas, at which point we will know its specifications, availability and final price as it is expected that the system includes six cameras GoPro Hero4 Black price is $3,000, so will not be cheap, but if we see everything it has to offer, then maybe spending is justified.
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Today there are systems that allow joining several cameras in one place, this with the intention of making several catches and then joining them via software, these systems range from 50 to 500 dollars depending on the materials and the level of support, but what we offer GoPro with Omni is a complete platform, which would include, in addition to the cameras, the software that would make the union of images in real time by Kolor, a company dedicated to virtual reality software that was acquired by GoPro in 2015.
Picture synchronization is carried out pixel-level, so the market expectation no longer exists today something similar on the market for less than $ 5,000. Another element that is expected to be integrated Omni is the wireless transmitter HEROCast, with which it could share the video via streaming 360 degrees,now we just wait for all you have prepared GoPro.