Large companies are focusing on autonomous cars; however, strollers now also have some of this. More details below.
Some time ago inTechnology 21Introducing thesmart shopping cartcan recognize its owner and follow him.This development was made with 3Dkinectsensor, a 3D camera and an Arduino board.
On this occasion, we presentSmartbeStrollerA baby carriage propelled is also able to follow.
If the owner of the stroller is close, the system will be conducted only as an autonomous car.SmartbeStroller has an electric motor, motion sensors and a control panel available on the handle of the product.
Speed modes are as follows: normal, where we push ourselves;assistance, which helps to push the vehicle and the self-propelled, where the stroller maintain a constant distance and speed.
Intelligent stroller hasspeakersthat provide wireless music baby,heatingfeeding bottles andtemperature control forthe car.
If successful the idea, product cost would be$ 3,000 USDor so.
Video: Baby stroller “SmartbeStroller”