iPad Pro beats a first assault on Surface in a market that increasingly less interested tablets

iPad Pro

Many times we talk about the poor health of the market for computers, throwing the blame on the tablets, but the reality is that the numbers on the table, these mobile devices is not living a buoyant moment in sales, is actually something recognized from 2014.

We would like to have more official figures, which makes them more transparent to these data, but we believe that the work of IDC and Strategy Analytics sales is quite interesting, and we will study a little to share. The trend of migration to convertibles, as we advance in December.

The numbers are not good, is not only a market stagnates, but generally falls in 2015. Strategy Analytics tells us that the last year of 224.3 million tablets, sold 8% less than that recorded in 2014 if we see the same data by IDC, the figure looks worse 206.8 million in 2015, 10.1% less than the previous year.

iPad Pro
Image Source: Google Image

Apple continues to lead the market with the largest share – 24.5% – but in their last results we found a 24.8% drop in units sold. That drop corresponds to comparing the last quarter of 2015 through 2014; we talked about 16.1 million iPads.

The secret of the rise of Amazon is in a tablet that costs$ 50…

Following the apple we have the Korean Samsung, who launched 9 million tablets to the market in the last quarter. That’s a 13.7% market share in the period, but also a drop of 18.1%.

They have a large and varied catalog, an important history in the market, and try to innovate, but the end result is not to shoot rockets.

Amazon is the company that has done her best period last year, an increase of 175.7%: sold 5.2 million units in the quarter, by 1.9 million last year. In a falling market, the company Bezos has placed it with a share of 7.9%.

Continuing the list we see that the Chinese are also active, not very flashy fees companies. Lenovo lose some steam, while Huawei wins it. Among all companies they totaled 65.9 million tablets in the quarter that is 13.7% less than accumulated in the previous year (76.4 million).

Fall is not only quarterly, annual also

If we see the market annually, Apple’s boss with 49.6 million iPads, and also possibly the most wins with them, to be priced significantly above average. What is worrying is that the figure is 21.8% less than accumulated throughout 2014.

Samsung is the second in the table, with 33.4 million devices in 2015. That is 16.1% less than Leave the Korean in 2014 with a market share of 16.2%. Lenovo managed to reach the 11.2 million tablets and ASUS to 7.1 million. Complete the top 5 Chinese Huawei, with 6.5 million.

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iPad Pro beating the heading Surface

Too early to draw conclusions and winners, but the reality is that Apple and Microsoft are very well positioned in this type of product…

Very interesting meeting a first meeting between iPad Pro and Surface Pro IDC estimates the new tablet. Apple would have sold two million units in their first trimester of life – appeared in the middle of it – it does not seem a bad figure for a expensive and different product.

Strategy Analytics does not give figures, but believes that iPad Pro has not met sales expectations that were had.

If we look at the numbers Surface during that period, IDC estimated that between 4 and 3 Pro has managed to reach 1.6 million units sold. The business is profitable for Microsoft, but as we discussed a few days ago, still does not weigh too heavily on their accounts.

Apart from specific competitions, it appears that the market wants to accept generously sized tablets that are not afraid to play at being a hybrid. Here it can find real harm to the computer market, as most buyers do almost everything with them.

“One of the main reasons for the growth of convertible tablets is that the users are seeing their PCs substitutes” Jean Philippe Bouchard, IDC

According to IDC, the 2 in 1 sales are up 379% over 2015. It seems a great opportunity for Apple and Microsoft, which are those with more serious products playing in that segment we can continue considering tablet. Both iOS and Windows 10 are being adapting well to this type of product.

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