5 fun tools that will help you get started in creating short videos

creating short videos

Videos are something huge now, they dominate every platform on every newsfeed. But how do you launch yourself into this world and start creating videos?

For those of us who don’t have much technical experience or who are shy about a video camera, creating a video may not be that simple.

Therefore, in this post, I will share 5 fun tools that will allow you to quickly and easily create “short videos” to break the ice and experience the great power that they release.

It is understood that YouTube is always the largest of all, it must be admitted that we now see the creation of native videos on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn growing day by day.

What is a native video? It is a video uploaded directly to the newsfeed of the platform where you are and on Facebook. This is particularly important as a native video attracts a large number of reach. Compared to the videos linked by YouTube – and there are more and more videos that are loaded.

The ability of businesses to use tools for creating short videos quickly and easily has become very important now that videos make up a huge part of Facebook … and more! In fact, we also talk about the 15-second videos of Instagram and those of Twitter that capture attention in the “Twitterfeed”.

And what about Pinterest and LinkedIn? Both show videos in newsfeeds, therefore, as you can see, today it represents a fundamental component to be shown on every platform.

What if you don’t feel comfortable in front of the camera? What if you didn’t know how to make videos or weren’t tech enough? Well, there is some good news that all has to do with the Short Video Tools. Mobile apps now allow you to make videos, even if it’s something you’ve never considered before.

Some of these apps allow you to create some of a minute or more, while others are like excerpts of videos, but there is one thing they all do in the same way: they allow you to create attention-grabbing video content. Keep Reading funny videos maker app

Here are 5 tools you can use to launch yourself into this world. And start creating short (and super short) video content right away:

5 quick and easy tools for creating short videos

# 1 Legend App

I personally think of Legend App as a “bridge” tool between images and videos which helps to create super short videos without being too creative (or without having to be in front of the camera).

So what is it? Legend, simply animate your images or videos with embedded writings, here is an example of an image created with Legend:

As you can see, you can add both video and text. Below is an example of plain text with an animated image:

All this will also make Android users happy, as Legend is available for both Android and iOS! His animations are saved, so start now to understand how it works and then start creating new videos.

IMPORTANT TIP: Multiple Legend Animation videos can be uploaded together to form a longer video using iMovie or a similar editing program – take a look!

# 2 Boomerang

This is a new Instagram app available for both Android and iOS that allows users to do more than just insert images on Instagram and can be a nice way to start making videos without the pressures of editing, lighting or audio; for example, watch this Boomerang video.

Boomerang is a flash of fun, but sometimes it’s just what you need to break the ice and catch attention as this girl does:

# 3 Flipagram

Flipagram is often seen lately, but you can not fail to consider it to post something that goes beyond normal.

Basically, Flipagram takes a series of photos (or short excerpts of videos, which makes it even cooler) and converts them into a video that you can share on the various platforms; here is an example of what you can do if you are a food blogger, a cafe or a restaurant:

Or you can unbox a product … or create a little star wars movie!

And if you are an illustrator or an artist (even if you are not!) Then the possibilities of creating something really cool become endless …

# 4 PicPlayPost

PicPlayPost has been my favorite for quite a while later, as it allows you to combine photos together at the same time.

Melissa McAllister ( Melissa Made on Instagram ) uses this app to make a great impression on her Instagram account. Thus creating videos that not only show what she does. But in which she explains each exercise or gives more information directly to the camera:

It is personal, engaging and fun! Think creatively: how could you use this app to create awesome videos and image compilations?

If you are a musician you could insert several video tracks or if you have something in your business that you can teach with a mix of videos and images what are you waiting for?

# 5 ReverseVid

I love this little app and recently I made videos on ReverseVid for a workshop we conducted for a local tourism business; it allows you to easily create a funny video by “reversing” the movie.

Funny? Yes. Ploy? Yes. But if you think about it you can use it to create fantastic content! Here is a funny video created by this girl:

The best part is that you have to play short videos!

IMPORTANT TIP: You can find other free features if you have a recent iPhone model – such as slow-motion (your slow-motion movie) and timelapse (speed up video) – so many options to create engaging and attention-grabbing short videos of users!

Now it’s your turn

Need a little push to get started with short videos?

If you have already used one of these tools, do you share the one that worked best for you? Or if you are a beginner, which one would you start with?

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