7 ways to create amazing website content

Content is the cornerstone of a great website, so if you want to achieve success, make your content amazing. Here’s how.

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Be succinct on your homepage

Provide focused information on your homepage as succinctly as possible. Visitors will quickly want to know what they can get from your site or how you can solve their problems, so don’t go into great depths on this page. Provide just enough information to entice them to delve in further.

An honest approach

Be authentic and transparent in your copy to win the trust and approval of your audience. Making false claims won’t gain you respect or conversions and may even damage your reputation.

Add landing pages

If you sell different products or want to create content on specific topics, landing pages are effective ways to take a targeted approach, and they tend to convert better than home pages. According to Inbound Now, a good landing page must be clear, concise and hold the hands of visitors to set points.

Logical navigation

Make sure your website is easy to navigate. Use the services of professionals such as http://www.rycomarketing.co.uk/web-design.html, who offer web design in Belfast and elsewhere, to check that the navigation of your site isn’t confusing visitors.

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Include relevant information

Your content should contain all the information that visitors need to make a decision to complete the desired call to action. If audiences can not find what they are looking for, you won’t get them on board, and there is a good chance they will click off and search elsewhere.

Speak directly to audiences

Your content should address audiences directly, as if you’re having a conversation with them. This makes your content more compelling and increases the likelihood that consumers will engage with your brand. Make use of words such as “you”, “your” and “we” for an informal and personalised approach, and add character and personality to your content so that your brand is easier to identify with.

Use familiar terms

Even if the products or services you provide are quite specific or technical, try to avoid littering your content with industry jargon or complicated terms. Remember that some people will be new to your site and may not be familiar with your industry-speak. If you need to explain complicated or technical information, provide user-friendly content, such as user-guides, how-to documents or videos.

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