The problem of evil see the screen of your laptop from different angles is history

Laptop screen angles

Portable screens are a particularly delicate mission: to offer a comfortable and quality visual experience (including colors). On a laptop there is no possibility to change it if, over time, we find it is not as good as it might seem at first.

Without going any further, as we use laptops for more tasks, are becoming frequent settings with screen resolutions up to 4K, and also begins to widespread use of laptop scenarios that may not always be the usual, plus in situations where it is not unusual to share the screen with other viewers.

We tend to use the laptop in more places, with positions that are not always the usual, sitting in a chair in front of a table. We can have the laptop resting on her knees on the floor in a park in the bar of a bar or tray of a plane, to give some examples.

Therefore, parameters that were previously not had in mind when choosing a laptop, as the viewing angle of the screen, take on special relevance today.

The viewing angle indicated by a numerical value from what position on the screen can see its contents without appreciable change in the color, brightness or contrast of what we see occurring.

Laptop screen angles
Image Source: Google Image

Why the viewing angle matter?

If we kept a fixed position against the screen of your laptop with the view just set perpendicularly on it, the angle of view would not be a relevant parameter. Whenever we would see the screen well, but while portable become more manageable, robust and lightweight, the use in very different positions.

Enough that we have to use a laptop sitting on the floor or in positions subject to frequent movements so that we begin to notice differences in the brightness, contrast or color of the screen depending on the angle from which you look. So if the screen is not of good quality, of course.

If we are showing a project from the laptop, with people around watching the screen, if the viewing angle is not generous, those who are on the side not properly see the content we are showing.

Glare and reflections

Another aspect that negatively affects the display screens on laptops is that of glare and reflections. The points of light that illuminate the spaces often reflected on the screen of the portable causing discomfort and diverting our attention.

This point is also beginning to be addressed by manufacturers to minimize the effect of reflections on the display content, even with incordiantes especially light sources.

ASUS solution

Asus has attacked these circumstances associated with the display on several fronts. On the one hand, it has adopted many of their ranges of portable LCD panel with IPS technology (In Plane Switching).

These panels have a special arrangement of the liquid crystals so that not only look good from a perpendicular position, but also from such extreme angles as 178degrees from the plane of the screen.

In addition, Asus has developed other technologies such as Tru2life or Asus Splendid looking for the best viewing experience. Tru2life is designed to optimize videos and Splendid for optimizing the colors on the screen. In both cases it is technologies that analyze images to adapt the panel parameters optimally for viewing.

Thus, not only we have a solid angle of vision to see the contents on the screen, but also technologies to enjoy a color of high quality.

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Also thinking about health

One way in Splendid is called Eye Care. There are three more: Normal, Vivid, and Manual, but the most interesting is dedicated to the care eye care. With this mode, the intensity of the blue light from the backlight panel, which is the most energy issues and can affect negatively the health of our eyes mode, is reduced.

In addition to the Eye Care mode, a correct view of the screen helps to eliminate stress caused by the effort of our brain to “look good” which is not displayed correctly on it. The eye gets used to everything, but the price to pay is to process what we see to make a “mental” improvement.

This is what happened not long ago, when left in the hands of sight the task of making what we see “is well”, either in terms of white balance, contrast or detail, for example.

If technology makes this improvement for us, the better. And that is the mission of Splendid and Tru2life Asus: ensure consistent and optimal viewing of videos and images.

The resolution matter, but with nuances

Teams like ASUS VivoBook Pro N552VX are a good example of application of these technologies. In addition, it is also possible to find models with different screen resolutions: Full HD or UHD. Full HD corresponds to a resolution of 1080 x 1920px. UHD, meanwhile, corresponds to 3840 x 2160 pixels.

A more pixels on the screen, the sharper, which also contributes to reduce the visual stress. Anyway, for everyday uses that do not require the highest level of sharpness, Full HD will be fine.

Laptops with screen UHD (something like 4K for simplicity) are not always easy to find for sale, yes, but it is a trend of great significance as 4K becoming a consolidated trend.

The result, visual quality and eye health

The combination of a good panel and the electronics required to handle optimally when viewing videos or pictures is what characterizes teams like Asus VivoBook Pro N552VX with an IPS panel 178 degree viewing angle, and technologies as Asus Splendid or Tru2life on your screen 15”.

Thanks to these technologies, what we see on screen does not need hardly be processed by our brain, which only have to focus on whats important, fun or work while we are using the laptop for leisure or business.

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