iPhone and iPad Pro SE, what we know about the two new Apple products

iPhone and iPad Pro SE

As you know, next Monday, March 21 Apple will hold an event where we expect many new features. One of them could be related to the iPhone, which would be a surprise (by date) but at the end of the expected out by the latest rumors.

The foreseeable iPhone SE does not come only as new hardware main event on March 21. A new iPad would also be on track, completing the Pro range. Let’s see what will bring back these iPhone and iPad Pro SE andother developments we expect toseein less than 7 days.

iPhone and iPad Pro SE
Image Source: Google Image

iPhone, iPhone for “super mid-range”?

For years, the rumored iPhone low costseems to finally be realized. An iPhone SE(Special Edition) would be the star of the presentation next week of Apple. With a starting price ofbetween 350-450 dollars, that would be the “low cost” which wouldenter the Cupertino company, which would leave rather ahigh price midrangeand high on performance.

That has beenthe star range last yearat least where until now Android and Apple models had placed several generations behind the model pointer. The iPhone would retire to the iPhone 5s models arestill sold precisely at those prices: 350-400 dollars.

The iPhone willbe very contained as an iPhone rumors diagonal to what is customary in the world right now a smartphone. Apple wouldreturn to themarketan iPhone to 4 inches with the current hardware also retire the number to give a higher life.

A level specification we are talking about a current generation processor, i.e. a chip A9, M9 coprocessor, possibly with 1 GB of RAM and internal memory most basic: 16 and 64 GB. Wifi, Touch ID, Siri Always on the NFC function and would not fail but would find no trace of the 3D Touch screen technology.

The biggest question about the hardware of the iPhone is the camera. Rumors are torn between logical 8MP up to12 million points. What about the design? Here are also several options, from a minor update iPhone 5s design with rounded edges to smooth touch, to a current iPhone 6s but smaller. In all cases the finish and the material itself to be cared and no plastic housing.

The aim of this iPhone SE would be twofold: tocollect users of smartphone they miss a model of good performance and iOS without tripping diagonal while placed as the iPhone input that could open important market sand grow. 350-450 dollars may seem a high price but in the range, iPhone is almost half a next -generation iPhone today.

If the iPhone is finally a reality on Monday, rest assured that will not go more than a few weeks before it goes on sale in major markets for Apple.

The iPad Pro family reduces its diagonal

One of the product ranges in renewal within the Apple ecosystem is tablets. After the departure of iPad Pro and up to discover what is the way that Apple chooses for their tablets. With the iPad Mini 4renovated slightly recently, all eyes are on its most successful diagonal: the 9.7 inches. And the news that the event would leave us 21 is the end of the Air range.

You may also like to read another article on DuckysDesktop: iPad Pro beats a first assault on Surface in a market that increasingly less interested tablets

Its replacement with 9.7 inches would be a logical one: the iPad Pro in reduced version but with all values ​​of the model’s screen. In this new 9.7 -inch iPad would find the main hardware of the largest model with A9X processor, display with support for Apple Pencil, 4 GB of RAM and stereo speakers in the corners.

Being a Pro model would not break the keyboard that Apple would create the image and likeness of Smart Keyboard.

Software and new straps for Apple Watch

Although the March 21 event will (probably) starring the new iPhone and iPad Pro, Apple will have a few more ads for us.

The Apple Watch would be one of the expected, but more recent rumors point towards a possible renewal of the clock for September, along with another iPhone. Their developments are therefore limited to the lucrative facet of Apple accessories manufacturer. In the event next Monday, we could see new colors for current straps and more materials for other models, which could come into play third -party manufacturers and brands that help customize and open design is still more to watch Apple.

At the software level, we do expect Apple to watch Take direct role. The betas in recent months become the new WatchOS 2.2, with known developments related to maps, among others.

The other announcement software would also be a minor upgrade, the 9.3 iOS, also in beta for a while now and emphasizes new user level as the Night Shift mode or Health.

Finally, in the event next March 21, it is not likely to see new Mac hardware. The Macbook will soon renew, expected better connectivity, but does not seem to be up within one or two months.

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