A minimum computer that only costs nine dollars, cheaper than a Raspberry Pi, that’s what we first presented the people of Next Thing with CHIP. A gadget that went through Kickstarter to finish reaching more than 30,000 people, but the next thing at hand is far more striking: a sort of portable console called PocketCHIP.

The brain is none other than his previous creation, CHIP, which is accompanied by a screen of 4.3 inches – 480×720 pixels – that is tactile and has resistive technology. Perhaps most curious of the set is the QWERTY keyboard that will serve as a control method, but it is also a way to enter data and create things with the contraption.
It’s like a dream to create a portable device with a plate Raspberry; also they have managed well so that housing is not missing content. How? Partnering with PICO-8, a virtual console that we present last year, and this time comes preinstalled on PocketCHIP. PICO-8 also proposes tools to create games: code, sprites, sounds, etc.
PocketCHIP is reaching hands of his first buyers this month, those who gave support to the idea from the beginning. As a final product, hit stores in June at a price of $ 49.
Better we not expect amazing graphics, more like a game boy color in which we can modify and create games.
You may also like to read another article on DuckysDesktop: The seven best projects with a Raspberri Pi to build your own gaming console
As you can see, there is some modularity, for example, if in the future upgrade the brain of the machine – CHIP – by a more powerful, and maintain forms and connections could well rejuvenate PocketCHIP.
Its creators are not bored with the possibilities of PocketCHIP, and have already set up a pair to live content with greater immersion. That said, we cannot expect too much, but it is at least curious, that’s PockulusCHIP.